About Pure Anguilla Foundation

How can you help us

Helping Anguilla
with What we do


Our vision is a resilient and thriving Anguilla where every individual has equal access to opportunities for education, growth, prosperity, fair judicial procedures, and foundational healthcare, where the island’s rich cultural heritage and pristine environment are cherished and preserved for future generations.

Our Mission

At Pure Anguilla Foundation, our unwavering mission is to uplift and transform communities in Anguilla through compassionate and sustainable initiatives. By leveraging the power of collective action and fostering partnerships, we strive to enrich the lives of the underserved, empowering them with education, healthcare, and socio-economic opportunities while preserving and celebrating the island’s cultural and environmental heritage for generations to come.

Inspired by the resilience of Anguilla’s communities in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma’s devastation in 2017, Pure Anguilla Foundation emerged with a solution-driven focus, established under the Anguilla Foundation Act R.S.A. cA62.

Founded by renowned Anguillian Barrister and Solicitor Josephine Gumbs-Connor, our foundation was born from a collective desire to address the urgent social needs exposed by the strongest hurricane on record in the Atlantic. Guided by a dedicated council comprising leaders in finance, business, public relations, and medicine, we recognize the paramount importance of partnering with the local community at every stage of our proactive efforts to address and resolve our social challenges.

We are committed to a multifaceted approach to fulfilling our mission.

The Issue

In the wake of Hurricane Irma, Anguilla faced unprecedented challenges, exacerbating existing socio-economic disparities and threatening the island’s cultural and environmental integrity. Our foundation recognizes the urgent need to address these issues and build community resilience for a brighter future.

Our Approach

Pure Anguilla Foundation adopts a comprehensive approach to address the multifaceted challenges facing Anguilla. We prioritise collaboration, sustainability, and empowerment in all our endeavours, working hand in hand with local stakeholders to create lasting positive change. By involving the local community in decision-making processes and implementation efforts, we ensure that our initiatives are rooted in the needs and aspirations of those we serve.

Founding Members

Our Strenght
Is our Team

Our foundation is guided by a diverse council of legal, financial, business, PR, and medical leaders, supporting our mission with their expertise.

Our Valuable Partners

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