

Dave is a veteran of the US Airforce and President and CEO of DasNet Corporation which is a company specializing in integrated communication systems at the very highest levels within the industry. One only has to understand the highly specialized field within which he works to appreciate that Dave not only had to equal the best in his field but stand head and shoulders above them to earn the respect and later success, that he enjoys. Dave operates within the very highest echelons of the industry, earned the confidence of his clients who rank at the extreme high net worth level both in Government and private sector. As such he is very familiar with high demands, high expectations and the consequential response of high performance to achieve desired results. Dave’s leadership is evident in the task force of persons whom he manages within his organization which spans international boundaries. Dave brings the expertise of a scientific mind with a healthy curiosity for the nuts and bolts of what we may be required to consider. He is a critical thinker who is constantly looking outside the box and brings a world view experience and approach to our team. As a person who loves Anguilla and embraces our culture, I know that Dave will be an invaluable asset to our team.

Contact us

Email: info@viewfortanguilla.com
Phone: 1 264 497 8700


Embracing Responsibility